Modern Slavery Policy

This statement has been prepared in accordance with the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Modern Slavery Act). Liquid Mix (WA) Pty Ltd trading as Liquid Mix, A.B.N. 90 127 094 008 a privately owned company. “Liquid Mix” warmly welcomes and supports the introduction of this legislation.

Modern slavery (in all of its forms including the exploitation of vulnerable workers) is a severe violation of human rights. It occurs when a party (often in a position of power) engages in exploitative practices such as coercing a person into work and exploitation for their personal or commercial gain. It can be perpetrated in numerous forms including slavery, child labour, excessive overtime, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.

Liquid Mix passionately believes that every person on earth should be able to live and work freely and we therefore oppose in the strongest possible terms every form of modern slavery including those mentioned above. Any form of modern slavery has no place in our business or supply chain or the businesses that we work with.

Liquid Mix has embraced its responsibility to understand labour exploitation and to effectively address it. We have resolved that wherever possible, we will influence our business partners (including those involved in our supply chain) to reduce the risk of it occurring in our operations and supply chain and seek to make positive change to people’s lives.

Liquid Mix expects all of its business partners, including its suppliers and the manufacturers of those products that we range to uphold the rights of employees and contractors in the supply chain including the rights of freedom of association, collective bargaining and a living-wage.

Liquid Mix have resolved to do business with organisations that fully comply with this Liquid Mix Modern Slavery Policy, or those who are taking appropriate and verifiable actions towards compliance with our policy.

Liquid Mix response to modern slavery

In response to the Modern Slavery Act, Liquid Mix has undertaken a risk assessment to determine whether our business and the business of our suppliers are at risk of modern slavery. This includes a review of new suppliers whose products we begin to range to identify modern slavery risks.

We have also communicated this Modern Slavery Policy to our suppliers and sought to understand their businesses and the actions they are undertaking to reduce the risk of modern slavery in their business and by association, with our supply chain.

We are updating our contractual documents to expressly prohibit slavery and servitude, the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, and the use of child labour in line with this Policy.

We will also monitor the effectiveness of our actions and revise and upgrade our approach over time.

Responsibility for this Policy

The Board of Directors of Liquid Mix has overall responsibility for ensuring this policy and its implementation comply with our legal and ethical obligations and our management team have primary and day-to-day responsibility for implementing this policy, training our teams and monitoring its use and effectiveness.

Communication and awareness

Liquid Mix will ensure that relevant employees and contractors receive adequate training on this policy and any supporting processes applicable to their role.

All employees and contractors will be notified of this policy on joining and receive training as appropriate from time to time.


Any breach of this policy will be taken seriously and dealt with on a case by case basis. A breach of this policy by an employee may lead to disciplinary action being taken in accordance with Liquid Mix’s disciplinary process.

A breach of this policy by a supplier will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Liquid Mix recognises that modern slavery is a complex issue and will work with suppliers wherever possible to ensure the best outcome for the people at risk. This response may range from ceasing activities with the supplier to collaboration to improve performance.


This Modern Slavery Policy will be reviewed by the Liquid Mix Board at least annually and may be amended from time to time.

This statement was approved by the Board of Directors of Liquid Mix in their capacity as the principal governing body of Liquid Mix on 30th June, 2022.